Custom Onboarding Video Content for a Remote Workforce

By Intellezy

May 23, 2022

An employee is working on her laptop.

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Effectively Onboarding Remote Workers

As we make our way through 2022, the global workforce continues to become increasingly remote, with the following statistics emphasizing this trend. 

Given this information, organizations now need to address a growing point of concern: how can they effectively and efficiently onboard new hires in an increasingly remote workforce? 

Why is Onboarding So Important?

Statistics show just how important a structured onboarding process or program is to an organization’s success and long-term future: 

Yet organizations often overlook this opportunity to make a strong first impression on new hires, with obvious adverse results. 

Effective employee onboarding is clearly key for retaining and engaging talent. But how can companies achieve this, especially during a time when the workforce is only becoming more and more remote? Custom onboarding video content can help. 

Custom Video Content for Employee Onboarding

Custom onboarding videos help your organization provide all new employees with a standardized onboarding program and process that can be delivered virtually anywhere, at any time. Any and all information around roles, responsibilities, expectations, organizational structure, and corporate culture can be effectively and efficiently communicated through carefully crafted, well thought-out onboarding videos. 

Organizations lacking the appropriate communication channels and resources to onboard employees often struggle to convey standardized messages and key information, resulting in inconsistent or disorganized onboarding practices. As such an easily shareable and widely consumed content type, video provides the perfect opportunity for companies of any size to virtually implement onboarding best practices. 

How Intellezy Can Help

Custom onboarding videos help provide structure, clarity, and a seamless, enjoyable experience for new hires who are adjusting to your company. Intellezy’s in-house production studio and dedicated teams allow us to offer custom onboarding video content, along with other personalized e-learning and training videos, to clients around the world. Our professionally produced custom onboarding videos are designed and created specifically with your company’s unique needs in mind, helping you effectively and efficiently onboard new employees with clarity and consistency, welcoming them to your organization and increasing both retention and productivity. 

To learn more about our custom onboarding video content, email

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