How to Set Up (and Stick to) a Morning Routine to For Productivity

By Intellezy

April 23, 2020

An employee woke up enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

If you are like me, you are working from home for the next two weeks or possibly even longer. In many places, only “essential” people are allowed to go into the office. It is not the end of the world, but it is one of the many impacts of the Coronavirus. 

It has finally reached us, and our daily lives have been turned upside down and, in some cases, are almost unrecognizable. What caught me off guard the most was simply how quickly everything changed. For many, a sense of restlessness and boredom has already started to set in. Instead of letting time pass and anxiously waiting for the next update or project detail, you can begin to brainstorm and enact a new morning routine to negate, other factors that can push you off course for the day. In the following, I will offer some suggestions for creating and optimizing a new morning routine to keep you focused and productive during this turbulent time. 

Set Your Alarm 

Whether you are working from home or simply required to stay at home (without having to work), the first thing I would recommend to make it through the coming weeks is keeping a steady wakeup time. As the commute time for many has gone down to zero, it may be tempting to get that few extra minutes of sleep before we start our day. Take a few minutes, you work hard a deserve it. However, once we start allowing ourselves to wake up consistently at 7 or 8 compared to our normal 6 AM rise time as an example, it can (and often does) put our biorhythms out of sync. Keeping in sync with our normal schedule will make it easier to adapt to your new situation, while keeping you primed to return to work when it is time. By keeping your schedule intact, you are giving your body and mind a consistent message of when it is work time versus when it is rest and play time. 

Customize a Routine that is Right for You 

The next step is to set up a morning routine. Each individual will have their own goals, responsibilities, and personal needs each day; therefore, customization is vital at this stage. Some individuals may prefer a quiet morning with a 15-minute yoga session and others may be up for the calisthenics. The question we each have to answer is: How do I know what to add to my daily routine? 

Start by asking yourself: What areas of my personal and professional life need some TLC. Is it around finances or relationships or even your physical state? After zeroing in on the trouble spots, take a moment to do a root cause analysis. This is the place where we can apply the "Five whys". The Five whys method was created by Sakichi Toyoda many years ago to help engineers find the cause and effect when coming across underlying issues. It can also be used as a way to determine what types of things should be part of our daily routine. Take the following example into account: 

Issue: I have not received a raise or promotion. Why? 

Answer 1: Because I am not qualified. Why? 

Answer 2: Because I do not have my PMP certification. Why? 

Answer 3: Because I have not taken the test. Why? 

Answer 4: Because I have not taken the prep course. Why? 

Answer 5: Because I have not made time to study. 

In the above example, it becomes apparent that the root cause of the issue is that I have not made time to study for and take the PMP certification, which could be the reason I haven’t received a promotion yet. Will this process always get us to the root cause, no, but it is a starting place. Use the Five whys method on various issues facing you personally and professionally and you will be on your way to a productive and rewarding morning routine that can produce your desired outcomes. 

Track your Habits and Accomplishments 

After making a list of four or more items, it is best to find a way to track them. Habit tracking can be the annoying, but crucial part of this process. Without a habit tracker, is nearly impossible to remember back on what you’ve accomplished. One great example comes from James Clear, the author of "Atomic Habits." In his diagram, the list of habits that are to be implemented will run vertically down the page, and the days of the months will run horizontally. As one completes the habit a tick will be added to the box. By the end of the month, it is easy to see the accomplishment in a clear table. Remember to celebrate and appreciate your accomplishments! 

As it is with every new challenge, it takes time to learn the ropes and turn tasks into habits. With these few simple tips, we can all become productivity pros. First, kick off each day at the same time, even if your commute has been cut to zero. Next, customize that morning routine by applying the “Five whys.” Let this method help you stay focused by keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind. Lastly, track those habits by keeping an eye on and writing down your self-improvements. Currently, there is no projected date for when office life will get back to "normal" (if it ever does), but until then, it doesn't mean we have to let our productivity levels decline.

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